“A Mile Stone in The History of Fsag Inaguration of Michael Ansaldo’s Tower”
I am just an instrument of God and he does the miracles and all glory belongs to him.

The Inauguration and the Blessing of Michael Ansaldo Tower took place at Franciscan Sisters of St. Aloysius Gonzaga Generalate, Puducherry on 18 July 2022 at 06.00 PM. This historical event was indeed an important mile stone in the History of our Congregation. The Tower and the statues of St. Aloysius Gonzaga as well as the statue of our Founder, Servant of God Michael Ansaldo were blessed. The historic celebration commenced with the traditional lighting of the Lamp by Most Rev. Fr. Francis Kalist, the Archbishop of Pondicherry – Cuddalore, Rev. Mother G. Rajamani , the Superior General, Rev. Sr. M. Thressa Ganamani, the Assistant Superior General , Rev. Sr. S. Emalda Glodin Queeni , the Provincial Superior of Shalom Province , Rev. Sr. Celine , the Provincial Superior of Aloysius Province , Rev. Sr. A. Pauline Sagaya Rani, the Provincial Superior of Ansaldo Province and Sr. G. Deva Madha ( Coordinator of North Region ) . The statue of Ansaldo was garlanded by Rev. Fr. Jebamalai Raja SJ, the Provincial Superior of Chennai Jesuit Province. The function begun the felicitation of our Archbishop and with the words of welcome by Rev. Sr. Antony Maria Jansi, the General Councillor followed by the presentation of the saintly life, mission and service of our Founder, Servant of God, Fr. Michael Ansaldo by Sr. Shailaja Akkinapalli, the Postulator of the Cause for the Beatification and Canonization. After a moment of Prayer, and the singing of the typical Founder and Patron saint, Most Rev. Francis Kalist, the Archbishop of Pondicherry – Cuddalore, officially inaugurated the recently built “Michael Ansaldo Tower”. We participated in the solemn Holy Eucharistic Celebration concelebrated by the Religious and Diocesan Priests, and in the presence of the sisters of other Congregations and our cottage children. This grand celebration came to an end with a sumptuous dinner that was a symbol of our fraternal sharing with each other.

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